Vintage Inspired Family Photo Shoot!

This April, the wonderful photographer and my great friend, Leah of Bubble B. Photography, is once again taking our family photos. This time around, we are going with a really fun 1940’s inspired photo shoot. I don’t want to give away all of the details, but I wanted to share some pictures that are our inspiration for the shoot.

The 1940’s Jazz Era was filled with beautiful hats, romantic hair, zoot suits, sexy style, and strong families! It takes you back to a time where the World wasn’t “so messed up”, families stayed together through thick and thin, wives respected their husbands, Husbands treated their wives like the Queens that they are, children still played outside for fun, and the music was really beginning to evolve. This is what our photo shoot is going to be about, and I can’t wait!

Much Love!


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