New Home Decorating Inspiration…

As I leave Indiana, dreaming about our new home in a new city, I wanted to share some of my Pinterest favorites that have inspired me on how to decorate our new home! The girls and the boys, will be sharing rooms at first as we settle in, so I have to be creative with their spaces! Also, Brad and I have been repainting a LOT of old furniture lately so we feel like we have all new colors to decorate with. Here are pictures that have inspired me in some little way or another:

Lets start with the entry way, an area of my home that I’ve yet to be able to decorate how I want. I love the idea of having single pictures of the kids above the bench and 6 pegs to hang our jackets on. I think also, I would like to try to make my own fabric cushion to brighten up the area!
picture via Centsational Girl

I love painted ceilings, and our new dining room has a ceiling very similar to this one. I’m thinking a dramatic rug for under the table and a bright color for the ceiling would be fun!
picture via HomeBunch

Moving on to the living room…. Our living room decor has taken on a coastal feel with coral sculptures, buoys, boats, and vintage red, white, and blue, decor. So, I was thinking these striped curtains would look amazing with everything else that I have going on in there!
picture via TaterTotsandJello

I love the idea of having multiple frames going up the stairway. I also like the neutral wall colors of this room to maybe go with our living room furniture… and that rug is fun!
Another view…
pictures via a la mode

My living room sectional is pretty much the same color and design as this one seen here. I like the bright contrasting colors that make this room pop! I also, love the ceiling and walls…
picture via decorpad

Moving upstairs to the loft; my colors are going to be different shades of turquoise and orange! This room shown here has it all!
picture via house of turquoise

These would all make great orange accents!
picture via The One Who Writes

These blankets and sheets for the pull out sofa would be nice…
picture via

Now this is organization!!! My laundry room has always been so boring, I love the clean lines and look of this space!
picture via decorpad

And this stone shoe tray would solve the huge annoyance of a family of almost 6, shoes being everywhere!!
picture via dollar store crafts

Since we are renting our first year, we won’t be able to pull this one off, but how sweet are these built-in bunks?!! I’m keeping this on my wish list for our future home. The girls would love it!
picture via house of turquoise

Below are photos of Owen and Crew’s bedding. Their colors are navy blue, white, and lime green. I want them to have a boyish outdoorsy-rugged room. We are creating this exact headboard for Owen’s room. Haven’t quite figured out how to mix “nursery” into all of this yet, so we’ll see what happens. 🙂
picture via serena and lily
picture via Alphabet Monkey

The guest room, needs to feel like you are on vacation. I adore this bright colored headboard and pillows. This looks like a cozy, place to rest!
picture via decorpad

This picture is how I want my Master bedroom to feel… I want to feel like I am being swept away on vacation every night when I go to bed. Especially after Mothering 4 kids all day!! 🙂
picture via Coastal Living

I love the colors of this room, and the rug…I must have! I found it for a decent price when I googled French Poetry Rug.
picture via homegoods

And, it didn’t dawn on me until I saw this photo, but why not decorate your closet space?! I have lots of long necklaces, so I really want to make this framed jewelery holder seen on the wall. Also, I want to paint stripes somewhere in my house…the closet is perfect for this!
picture via

And lastly, our new house has great outdoor living, so I’m just excited to sit outside and drink a cup of coffee and enjoy our new view! Can’t wait to get there!!!
picture via merchant circle

See you soon!


Easy As Pie DIY- Designer Burp Cloths!!!

These burp cloths are the easiest things in the World to sew; any one can do it! All you are doing is sewing a rectangle. I made these as a gift for someone as I was trying to use up some leftover fabric scraps. I made some boy ones for baby Crew too, but they got packed away (we are moving) before I had a chance to snap a photo of them. You can literally pop out a bunch of them in just a few minutes!

  • For my burpcloths, I cut a 9in. X 14in. rectangle of fabric and a 9in. X 14in. rectangle of White Chenille.
  • Once cut, I place the two peices of fabric on top of each other, right sides together and sew around them, leaving a two inch gap to turn them inside out with.
  • After I turn the fabric inside out, I stitch the two in gap closed, iron, and I’m done!! See? Easy as pie!

The beautiful burpcloths seen below are from How Does She. They have a tutorial on their blog as well!

Happy Sewing!


Maternity Shoot, Family Shoot, and Owen’s 2nd Birthday Photos – All In One!

Leah Fields, from Bubble B. Photography, delivered once again! This was the most fun we have ever had in front of a camera! We went with a red, white, and blue theme for the summer and got a little messy with some crayola washable paint, but after seeing all the photos, it was worth it! Make sure to keep looking through to the end, for a SURPRISE Baby Name Announcement!

Miss Evie Taylor…
Darling Lily Aniston….
Mischievous Owen Andrew….

We wanted to have a little fun with our name announcement, so Evie went first picking out a middle name for our little guy. “Hmmm, I’ll have to think about that one, Evie…”
Lily wanted to name him after her crush!
In the end, it was Brad that won the name game! Crew Hayak (pronounced like Selma Hayek)
We wanted his name to be very unique and rugged, and I think this fits the bill perfectly! So excited!!!

What a gorgeous mess we are! 🙂
The Seaman Family, Summer 2011

Owen’s 2nd Birthday

Since we are getting ready to move, we spent the weekend with family and my Mom through a cute little Birthday Party for Owen, who is turning 2!! She had a “beach-themed” party and the kids got to stay cool in the pool with lots of new take-home floaties and pool toys! It was very sweet of her! He got lots of money to go towards his new big boy bedroom suite, a motorized four wheeler, a tee-ball set, some water guns, and an airplane! All the things a 2 yr. old boy needs. 🙂 Here are some photos from the day…

I made these tank dresses for Evie, Lily, and Ava to wear for the 4th. I tried to get a good picture of the three of them together, but this is the best I got. 🙂 I had to chase Ava down with the camera and she wanted nothing to do with it!

My sister made this canvas for Owen’s party…. Thanks Joni!!

The many pool toys for each of the kiddos to take home…

It was so good to hang out with the whole family and see everyone!

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!!!! We love you!

Daddy, Mommy, Evie, and Lily

Happy July 4th!

We will be spending the 4th with family, celebrating Owen’s 2nd Birthday, doing a little swimming, bbq’ing, watching a huge firework show put on by my brother-in-law, and enjoying their company before our move away from Indy. So excited for this weekend! I hope you all have a very happy and safe Independence Day!

