DIY Burlap Heart Wreath!

More fun stuff… I made this DIY burlap heart wreath to go with the vintage-nautical theme on our mantel. I had Brad bend a couple of clothes hangers together to form a heart, and then he wrapped the hangers in duck tape to hold them together. I cut 1 inch strips of burlap ( I didn’t measure how long they were, maybe 12 inches?). Then I folded them in half length wise and twisted them as I hot glued them around the center to form a rose. Then hot glued them onto my wire heart! Pretty simple!!

Have a fantastic week!


Family Happenings And A Home Tour

Since we’ve been back home from Christmas in Indiana, we’ve been enjoying this beautiful weather that God has blessed North Carolina with!! Winter feels like Spring here, for real!! We’ve gone horseback riding and just enjoyed hanging out in our resort-like neighborhood. And now that my blog is private, I feel like its okay to share pictures of our home with you. Sorry for taking so long to do so! I wish you could all come for a visit. If you are ever in the area, please come hang out and you are welcome to stay with us…any of you!!!! 🙂

Crew is getting big; his latest adventures have been holding himself up really well while doing tummy time. He has an exer-saucer that he loves to play in which is helping him with sitting up. And, he LOVES to talk jibber-jabber and blow bubbles with his spit! Oh, and how could I forget…he now gives open mouth kisses!!! Can’t get enough of those!! Here are some pictures:

This is Crew with his best bud Everett. Everett’s Mommy and I grew up together and she lives in Raleigh too!

Owen, Lily, and Stella (Everett’s cousin) playing dressup….

And last, I have had the creative bug again. I made my Mom a book sling and a valance for her bathroom out of this material. And I used the left over material to make myself new throw pillows! Also, my friend Rebecca, gave me a bunch of her old sweaters that she was going to throw out, and I turned them into fun pillows as well. Here are some pictures….
This is the book sling….

The white flowers and white side of one pillow is made from an old sequin tank top that I had.

That’s about it! Now, back to my exercizing!!! Have a good week and don’t forget to workout!