Thanksgiving 2009

Cute Smiles!
Fake smiles, but still cute. 🙂 They are going to be heartbreakers when they are older.

On Thanksgiving Day, we went to Brad’s Moms for Lunch and My Moms for Dinner. It’s always fun hanging out with family and the food was delicious, but I am stuffed!!!!

Debbie, Brad, and Owen…..I never realized how much Brad and his Mom look alike!

Here is half of our family, it’s always hard to get all five of us in a picture.

This is the best we could do! 🙂

Ken and Owen, chillin’ on the couch.

Abby, Evie, and their toothless grins.

Carter and Owen just love each other! I can’t wait until Owen is big enough to play with him. It will be so much fun!

Jill, Ken, and Carter

Abby and Evie, putting on a show for us. They said they were Africans! Abby was playing the recorder and Evie was shaking some rattles. It was very loud!

The girls and I made this turkey cheeseball; aren’t we creative?

Joni, 4.5 months prego!

Uncle Mikey, practicing for his new baby to come.

Lily and Wesley are best buds.

Tickle time!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

The Christmas Tree Adventure!

A couple of years ago, we started a tradition, where we head up North to Dull’s Tree Farm, the day after Thanksgiving. We love taking it all in; the smells of a burning fire, the cold weather stinging our cheeks, the smells of pine from the huge array of pine trees, and of course, the delicious home-made Hot Chocolate!

This year, my Mom, Dad, and sister Joni got to adventure it with us!

Here we are next to our Christmas tree, the one on the right. This may possibly, end up in your mailbox on our Christmas cards this year. 😉

Granny, Papaw and their girls. My parents are so cute!

They even offer a horse and carriage ride! They have several different cabins to go into, full of decorations, and greenery.

Playing checkers and drinking hot chocolate in the warm, cabin. Much needed after our cold walk through the pines!

It was such a fun day! If you buy a real tree for Christmas, you have to check out Dull’s Tree Farm in Thorntown; we LOVE it!


With the Thanksgiving Holiday coming up, we wanted to write about what we are Thankful for this year. God is good, no doubt, and there is MUCH to be thankful for, so here goes…..

1. We are thankful for the health of our family.

2. We are thankful that we have found our way back to the Lord, and that He is in the center of our relationship.
3. This one may sound odd at first; we are thankful for a business failure, because it has opened many new doors, it has brought us closer together as a family, and allowed us more time together as a family.

4. We are thankful that God provides, even when we thought it was going to be impossible.

5. I, Aubree, am thankful for an optimalist husband, who finds the most out of every situation and always lands on his feet.

6. I, Brad, am thankful to have a such a wonderful, supportive wife. Thank you honey.

7. We are thankful for our three beautiful children who bring us so much joy!

8. We are thankful that our children have wonderful grandparents on each side who love them dearly and spend lots of time with them.

9. We are thankful for many good friends, who are supportive, loving, and dear to us.

10. We are thankful for great football; Go Colts!!!!!

11. We are thankful for our church; East 91st Street rocks!

12. Lily- I am thankful for my bed, my bath, and my toys.

13. Evie- I am thankful for my food, my parents, and my friends.

14. And lastly, we are thankful that God continues to speak to us and lead us into an unknown but exciting direction.

Thank you Pilgrims for creating this wonderful Holiday where we can celebrate all that we are Thankful for and get to eat some wonderfully delicious food!!!

We wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving,

The Seaman Family

A four month update….

I took Owen to the Dr. today and he is now up to 17.5 lbs and 27 inches long. His latest accomplishments; he has found his toes, he can roll over, and he can reach for me now! The Dr. said that we can start spoon feeding him cereal now, so that will be new and fun. Here is a video of him playing rough with Evie…

Maybe this will change your way of living….

Do you like to go skiing? Have you ever been to the beautiful white snowy ski slopes of Colorado; or better yet, in the Swiss Alps? Well, the CEO’s of the two most widely known outdoor recreation brands just announced that Global warming is killing their businesses!

Aspen Skiing Company and The North Face, are having shorter skiing seasons due to milder winters. An unusually warm Summer has melted much of the ice that makes -the North Face of the Eiger-in Switzerland, skiiable. They have lost millions of dollars and beautiful scenery due to Climate Change. These two Ski giants have joined hundreds of others, by curbing their greenhouse gas emissions, investing in renewable energy sources and clean technology, and encouraging energy efficiency.

When you start to see the impact of Global Warming affect the adventures that you hold dear, it really makes you want to take action. For me, it’s having a child with mild Asthma, and having a deep desire for my Children and their, one day, children to live long healthy lives. For some, it’s losing their favorite ski slopes. What’s it going to be for you?


A Give Away!!!!





That’s right! An exciting give away….. I am giving away two passes for $20 off any hair service at Splash Salon! Twenty dollars is a big deal when were talking about getting your hair did! 😉 My stylist, Sarah, at Splash salon is amazing and she gave me two passes to hand out to my friends to use anytime, and when you do…I get $50 towards any hair service!
So, who wants them?!! The first two ladies to ask for them and schedule an appointment with Sarah, can have ’em. STARTING NOW!!!! Email (, facebook me, or call.

Greenest Community Challenge??

California, the leading state in the U.S. for greening communities, just launched the “California Green Community Challenge.” On November 3, mayors, movie stars and mover and shakers in the California green community gathered for the launch. The state wide challenge is bringing together 10 California towns and their local governments to compete for Green Seal recognition as a “California Green Community” by 2012. The objective is to ignite a nationwide initiative to preserve our natural environment by awarding participating towns with silver, gold or platinum seals. What a fantastic idea!!! We need to get initiatives like this started in other states…or even all states! If you’re going to dream…. dream big, right?

If anyone knows how to go about getting something like this started in Indy, let’s get together and start planning! In California, it’s easy because their Mayors are Leaders in going green. They are the ones who start these initiatives. Just like how they now have MANDATORY recycling and composting! They are setting a great example for the rest of us to follow. Indiana is such a mediocre state in everything EXCEPT Football, of course! Let’s try to be a Leading Community, shall we?!

Who’s in!!!!!

Your Local Eco-activist,


Preppy Boy!

I thought I would share some pictures of Owen that we took before church this morning. He looked like a little golfer in his new church clothes…..or maybe like a “little old man,” especially in the picture below where I am holding him. Check out the look on his face! Either way, we think he is adorable. He is almost 4 months now, and becoming so alert and so much fun! He giggles out loud and he can copy us when we click our tongues at him. It’s amazing how much joy a child can bring you, and we have triple the joy!!!

Have a very blessed week!


"Out With My Homies"

Catchy title; I know. Friday night I went out for Sushi and drinks with a few of my good ‘ole friends from high school. I love these ladies! We get together about once a month to catch up on life and have some much needed adult interaction after being with the kids all day.

These are the women that know me best and have been around through it all; the crazy, the ugly, and the refined! I went from being the crazy, flirty, loud, dare-devil , careless one in high school to being the more settled-down, reserved, mommy that I am now. We played sports together, we toilet-papered houses together, we tormented the under-class men (or women)together, we cried, we laughed, and now we are all starting families together! We’ve all changed a lot in the last 10 years, and I love to see how our lives are evolving and how we are all learning and growing as we go.

It was great to see you all this week and I can’t wait to hang out again at the end of the month! To many great times, and many more to come!!! Love you ladies!

F.A.; Fat Aubree; Clueless; The Fly; and just plain Aubree

Happy Halloween!

This Halloween was a fun one; full of laughs, giggles, baking, and treating! To start off the weekend, Granny and Aunt Joni came by to help make some spooky dishes to eat at our Halloween party. We made bloody eyeballs, a pumpkin cheese ball, and crunchy ghoulish fingers to snack on! Here are some pictures of us hanging out and cooking up some delicious spooky foods!

My Mom bought Owen this new toy which he just loves…..can’t you tell?

Here is our delicious Pumpkin Cheese Ball….

And the Crunchy Fingers….they didn’t turn out quite like they were supposed to.

Then, we traveled over to Grandma Debbie’s later that day for the party and some more fun foods! Here is her spiderweb brownies…

And her Pumpkin veggies….

and Jack-O-Lantern pizzas!

The food was delicious and the costumes very cute! This is a blurry picture, but hysterical so I had to post it. Carter is dressed as a munchkin from Wizard of Oz; Jill was twisting his hair and he was not having it, he kept messing it back up every time she tried to fix it! Doesn’t he make a good little Munchkin?

Here is the mean Witch of the West and Pocahontas….

Brad and Owen, hanging out on the couch.

Carter and Abby love holding their baby cousin.

My little Turtle!

Off we go, to Trick-or-Treat! We have Glenda (the Good Witch), The Wicked Witch, a Munchkin, Jill was Dorothy (not seen in the picture) and Pocahontas and Ariel the Little Mermaid and a Sea Turtle.

All the kids with Grandma…

Carter was hilarious; he would just stay at people’s door with his candy bag open as if they weren’t giving him enough candy!

Lily was freezing and ready to go home after about 5 minutes. She told me that she had enough candy and she didn’t want to get cavities so we better leave!

Owen loved sitting up like a big boy in his stroller! This is the first time he has gotten to ride in it outside of his car seat!

Brad and Debbie chatting away on the nice walk.

Here is a shot of Dorothy….

I love a cool Autumn sky!

It was getting darker, and Owen fell asleep.

Happy Halloween 2009!