The first Kiss….

Normally when I try to kiss Owen, he turns his head or looks down. He NEVER kisses me on the lips! However, today that all changed!! I got my first kiss on the lips from him today. It was so sweet!

I tried to get him to reinact it for the camera, but I got the cheek again. 😦 I’ve been looking forward to this moment.

On another note, we have a big day tomorrow as we dedicate Owen to the Lord! Pray for us as we raise our three children and teach them about our savior and how to be faithful servants to God. It took me 25 years to really develop a relationship with Christ, and I pray that they have it always!

Night night.


Brad and I need some prayer for a big decision that we have coming up. We will be moving in June, and we are being pulled in several different directions on where we should go. The good thing is, we have many different options and really, we could go where ever! The bad news is, we can’t make up our minds so we will just have to wait on direction from God, on this one. And that can be scary!

I grew up, a small town girl and loved living in a community where I knew everyone. I like driving down the road and waving to almost every car I pass, and enjoy being part of a community. I want to live in a neighborhood where I can get to know all of my neighbors.

Brad likes the noise and class of living in the city. He wants to be able to walk out of our condo atop a fancy building and down the street to his office. 🙂

We both think it would be fun to raise our kids out in the boondocks somewhere with lots of acreage to roam around on and a big front porch to sip ice tea on!

These are our ideal situations; but our three options that we are being pulled between are staying here in Hamilton County (safe), moving our family to beautiful Raleigh, NC, where the weather is mostly warm and we would be close to mountains and ocean. (fun but scary) Or, moving to a third-World Country and helping them build an economy. Business Development is what Brad is good at.

Sounds crazy right! We were sitting in church one day and while the preacher was talking, I had a vision in my mind that I swear I couldn’t have come up with on my own. I prayed about it while we were sitting in church, then afterwards I started to mention it to Brad. Out of no where, he took the words right out of my mouth and explained that he had the same vision too while sitting in church! I truly believe that if God wants us to do something for him, he will speak to both of us and not just one of us. We both had that same vision!!! It doesn’t make any sense at all for us to take our whole family to another Country and help teach them how to start businesses, but does it ever make much sense when God asks us to step outside of our comfort zone and do something? Not in my experience; if God is speaking, he is usually asking me to do something that I don’t particularly want to do.

So anyway, we want to do what is best for our kids, what is best for us, and of course, what is in God’s plans for us to do. So, please pray for us over the next few months while we are planning our move. Big City, or Boondocks? Only God can tell! 🙂

Much Love,

Brad and Aubree

Owen cracking up!

Check out this adorable video of Owen cracking up! Make sure you pause my music to hear him. He figured out how to jump up and down in his excer-saucer and it makes him sooo happy!

Owen turns 6 months!

I am 6 months old! I went to the doctor today, and I weigh 20.6 lbs, and I’m 29 inches long! I am going to be tall like my Daddy. 🙂

The things I love to do are; chew on anything I can get in my mouth, including my toes, pull my sisters’ hair, scream as loud as I can, and eat baby food.

The things I am working on are; crawling, sitting up, waving and saying Ma-ma.

My parents can brag that I am such a Happy Baby!!!!!

Look at those chubby cheeks, they are soooo kissable!

More pictures to come soon….